How to Become a Pharmaceutical Scientist

Become a pharmaceutical scientist
如果你有帮助他人的热情,了解药物开发和医疗背后的科学, a career in pharmaceutical science is an amazing choice. While pharmaceutical scientists may not treat patients directly, 它们为无数医疗选择和制药进步提供了基础.

Perfect for those comfortable in a lab environment with a knack for experimentation, pharmacology can open the door to countless opportunities within the healthcare field. This industry is also well paid. 根据PayScale的数据,制药科学家的平均年薪接近8.1万美元.

This article will explore how to become a pharmaceutical scientist, including:

What Is a Pharmaceutical Scientist?
What Does a Pharmaceutical Scientist Do?
Skills Needed to Become a Pharmaceutical Scientist
Steps to Becoming a Pharmaceutical Scientist

What Is a Pharmaceutical Scientist?

A pharmaceutical scientist specializes in the experimentation, 分析, and research of drug developments and pharmaceutical resources.

他们专注于一套详细的实验室职责,深入研究制药进步. From developing new drugs to testing the effectiveness of treatment options, 药理学家是医院和药房每天使用的医疗解决方案背后的分析大脑.

值得注意的是,制药公司雇佣专业人员从事各种生物研究领域的研究, including biotechnologists, molecular biologists, biomedical 研究人员, 等. Pharmaceutical science is just one component of what pharmaceutical companies do.

What Does a Pharmaceutical Scientist Do?

药理学家的典型职责将根据他们所擅长的特定药理学领域而有所不同. 一般来说,制药科学家的一些最常见的职责包括:

  • 测试和增强药物化合物,以提供和提高有效性,同时防止负面副作用.
  • Working within a pharmaceutical lab with a group of other scientists, 研究人员, and potential stakeholders to communicate lab results.
  • 收集和评估当前药物资源和治疗效果的医疗数据, throughout all st年龄s of a preclinical process.
  • 创建和组织药物试验和实验,以更多地了解药物和治疗方案的功能和有效性.

Skills Needed to Become a Pharmaceutical Scientist

You can become a pharmaceutical scientist with the right education and experience, 但有一些特质绝对可以帮助一个有抱负的制药科学家在这个领域找到一个好位置. Some of the skills that a successful pharmaceutical scientist should have include:

Laboratory Confidence – Capable scientists should thrive within a laboratory environment. Lab skills are a must-have trait for any aspiring scientist, but as pharma scientists often handle medical data and research, confidence in a lab is even more crucial for success. 强大的灵活性, 技术写作, proper sterilization practices, and various other laboratory protocols will be respected.

交际 -能够正确地与其他科学家或医疗保健专业人员沟通最新的发展或新研究是确保你所完成的工作得到重视和实施的关键因素. 以一种连贯和全面的方式阐述你的发现并展示它们是任何制药科学家都应该努力拥有的特质.

有组织的 – Pharmaceutical scientists are often expected to run numerous experiments at once, so organization skills are paramount to being successful as a pharmaceutical scientist. Staying organized also allows experiments to be executed in the correct manner, it assures that all lab equipment is used properly, and it helps to man年龄 time to deliver accurate results on a deadline.

分析 – As a pharmaceutical scientist, you’re constantly conducting research. 能够正确分析多余的医疗数据是任何制药科学家的关键技能. 有问问题和学习的欲望——然后设计策略来回答这些问题是至关重要的. 能够批判性地思考和解决复杂的问题,以帮助开发新的药物是制药职业道路的一个常见组成部分.

协作 – Similar to communicating effectively, 在你的工作环境中与其他科学家和利益相关者合作时,开放的合作态度是有帮助的. 许多成功的药物开发都是一组科学家为了一个共同的目标而共同努力的结果, so collaboration skills are a must.

Steps to Becoming a Pharmaceutical Scientist

对于那些想知道如何成为一名制药科学家的人来说,以下是必要的步骤. 许多制药科学家只需接受四到五年的教育就能在实验室找到工作, 而有些人在申请制药科学家的职位之前需要额外的时间来获得额外的经验. 一般, 在一个有抱负的药理学家完全沉浸在这个领域之前,他们的旅程将以这些关键步骤为特色.

Step 1: Complete Higher Education Requirements

在成为一名制药科学家之前,有许多技能需要掌握,有许多科学知识需要获得,而这些只有通过攻读学士学位才能获得. 学习如何成为一名制药科学家的最简单方法是在理学学士课程中与同龄人和敬业的教师为伴. Most pharma scientists will choose to 主修生物学, chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, and at times even engineering.

Step 2: Earn an Advanced Degree or Certification

虽然有可能在获得理学学士学位后在该领域找到一份工作, many pharmaceutical scientists will pursue a master’s degree to gain more experience. 对药理学感兴趣的毕业生往往选择攻读药理学硕士, 生物医学科学, or pharmacology Because pharmaceutical science leans strongly on chemistry, graduates might also earn a master’s degree in chemistry. (At GMercyU, all biology majors earn a chemistry minor, enabling you to pursue this route.)

所有这些领域都为生物技术研究的药理学方面提供了更多的就业和研究机会. For pharmaceutical scientists looking to advance their career or later pursue a PhD, getting a masters degree is a wonderful way to prepare for that goal.

Step 3: Gain Experience

While earning a bachelor of science or master’s degree, 学生将获得有益的实地经验,以便为制药科学家的典型职责做准备. Laboratory experience is key, as is training in the foundational sciences A research internship is also beneficial; many students specifically interested in pharmaceutical science may wish to pursue an internship specifically with a pharmaceutical company.

Step 4: Begin the Job Hunt

在你成功地实现了你的高等教育目标,并获得了必要的经验和实验室技能之后, it’s time to start job searching.

Depending on the concentrations chosen throughout the educational process, pharma scientists can find numerous fulfilling careers within the field. While many will aim to work for a pharmaceutical company or hospital, employment opportunities can also be found in academic research labs, 政府机构, biotechnology companies, forensic science labs, 和更多的.

Some may choose to become educators after earning their PhD. 博士学位还可以让你在组织中承担更大的责任,获得职业发展.

Start a Career in the Pharmaceutical Industry with GMercyU!

As a field that continues to expand that features an optimistic salary outlook, learning how to become a pharmaceutical scientist is a fulfilling career decision. 非常适合有组织的批判性思考者,致力于理解药物开发的内部工作原理, pharmaceutical science is an exciting career path with numerous job opportunities. 开始你的旅程的一个好方法是获得GMercyU的研究密集型生物学学士学位课程.

The program emphasizes molecular and cellular biology, 遗传学, 和生物化学, and includes foundational coursework in chemistry, 物理, and mathematics – so much so that all biology majors earn a minor in chemistry. Many GMercyU biology graduates work in the local pharmaceutical industry in various roles.

获得生物学学位,获得所需的科学资源和在GMercyU取得成功所需的教育支持. Learn more about GMercyU’s biology program today!